Thursday, 26 January 2017

Ken THOMAS Dishonest Director of Redline Engineering - Joe BORG Dishonourable Manager of General Pneumatics, Joe BORG crooked scoundrel of GP Truck Products, Ken THOMAS thief of TruckMaster Series 500 Filter - Ken THOMAS Patents Fraudster, Joe BORG Fraudster

WikiBlog Leaks


Intellectual Property and Company    
Fraud and Dishonour of Investor Funds  


Comments on the 

World Wide Web


1. Enter any of the following: 

Truckmaster Series 500 Air Brake Filter - Dumpmaster ETP-500 Ejector ValveGENERAL PNEUMATICS - REDLINE ENGINEERING - Ken THOMAS Managing Director of REDLINE ENGINEERING Joe BORG GP Truck ProductsJoe BORG Managing Director of GENERAL PNEUMATICS - Ken Thomas No Integrity - Ken Thomas Dishonourable Master Thief - Joe BORG and Ken THOMAS - Money Laundering and Fraud.

2.  Add any of these Keywords with any Words step: (1) 

Truckmaster Series 500 Air Brake Filter - IP Theft, Deception, Fraud, Mario Ragusa Innovator and Inventor, Dishonour, Dishonourable, Unconscionable Behaviour, Forgery, Money Laundering, Corruption, Injustice, Thieves, Patent Assignment Fraud, Antitrust Laws, Unethical Behaviour, Legal Document Fraud, Forgery, Contempt, Unethical Behaviour, Unlawful Removal, Harassment, Bullying, Copyright, Designs, Never Sign Anything, Fraudulent Payments, Inflict Misery, Jealousy, Braeside Melbourne, Masterclass Thieves, ETP-500 DumpMaster Electronic Drain Valves. 


"See Ken THOMAS owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and his deceitful and corrupt dad Eddie, flaunting their expensive cars and hobbies and generally enjoying life to the max - fat and happy - at other people's expense. These dishonest 'criminals' have no sense of conscience and feel absolutely no remorse for their business swindling, dishonesty, theft and dishonourable past". 
M.Callum Melb Chapter AUS

"Fake it till You Make It" Never Justifies NOT bringing charges when someone has Commited Fraud.
"Joe BORG Manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS and the crooked fraudster operating and hiding behind a veil of protection provided by Ken THOMAS owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and, their new entity GP TRUCK PRODUCTS was so impressed in the way Ken THOMAS, the corrupt supreme leader and dishonest owner of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, GP TRUCK PRODUCTS and REDLINE ENGINEERING did business, that Joe BORG was more than a willing participant and very content and 'excited' to co-conspire, persecute and go along with the deceitful THOMAS family's illegal and dishonourable schemes, to literally steal Intellectual Property belonging to Mario RAGUSA the innovator and inventor of all IP, product designs and copyright. 

In the process, also dishonouring payment of 'seed' investment capital made to GENERAL PNEUMATICS by Mario RAGUSA'S father Giuseppe RAGUSA - who was only ever just supporting his son's ingenuity. Easy to work out, Joe Borg is obviously intimidated like 'hell' and 'shit' scared to question Ken Thomas in any capacity, and fears he could be next 'on the outer"
T.Hardeman Chicago USA

These villains systematically went about 'stealing' a 92 year old man's life savings and who is, a long term Polio sufferer.

"Mind you Thomas and Borg, the two low-life individuals honoured (6 out of 7) investors, of which were dubious, 'shady' and highly suspicious, to say the least. They (Thomas and Borg) immorally and unconscionably 'decided' of their own volition, to renege, dishonour, and deny the investment funds made by a 92 year old, sufferer of Polio, of his entire life savings".

"Joe BORG Manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS was only ever interested, just like the greedy and unconscionable Ken THOMAS owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING - to 'line his own pockets' and, increase his own personal Shareholding and boost his own Profits as a consequence, which is ultimately derived through the innovation and creation of others determination, hard work and ingenuity - the 'Blood Sweat and Tears'. Surely this is not on, in Australia. They would be 'dead meat' in North America".
C.Murphy - NY Chapter USA


"There's a very dark side to Ken THOMAS owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG Manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, and their combined unconscionable collusion and, manipulation of truth and justice to serve their own self interests. These 'miserable' shady characters are classic psychopaths at work, who enjoy inflicting misery, prejudice and discrimination upon the disadvantaged, for their own sub-human selfish interests. The common denominator is that they share a total contempt for the law, or anyone that threatens to spoil their 'best laid' and corruptly executed plans and, their unconscionable objectives."

Mario RAGUSA'S team of lawyers and investigative specialists, whom are now assisting the RAGUSA family interests, have sparred over the hype and stretching of the truth, in the corrupt operations of Ken THOMAS owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG Manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS. 

Additionally, in unconscionably denying the lawful IP rights, and company shareholding to Mario RAGUSA for his inventions and innovations, and founder of General Pneumatics they were also complicit in disregarding and dishonourably discriminate against, Mr.Giuseppe RAGUSA of his 'seed' capital injection and in recognising his investor status, in a shameful and deliberate case of criminality. There are corporate behavioural controls in place in the UK, and it simply would not be allowed to occur".
S.Halliday - Ireland Chapter UK

History of a Serious Sex Predator  
Check Out  Disturbing Revelations

"We are making public here and now, the fact that Joe BORG is guilty (not alleged) of sexual penetration by means of harassment and assault in a (threesome sex-act) and then indiscriminately and deviously filming the event without the knowledge of an innocent female victim, in an Adelaide Motel. 

Joe BORG proceeded to conduct private screenings, which took place at various locations within Melbourne, on countless occasions, and before innumerable witnesses and reliable testimonies. 

Joe BORG, has often arrogantly boasted that the concealment of the "Red' RECORD light" on his recording equipment with 'cello tape' - to totally hide his non-consensual, and disgusting 'hidden' agenda, and to execute his emphatic misappropriation of trust, without the innocent victim's knowledge.

We remind Joe BORG, the outpouring of stories about sexual harassment in recent years has been extraordinary. We introduce these claims to demonstrate Joe BORG'S true character and nature - one of a pathological serial liar and severely dishonest individual.

Joe BORG will learn there's something powerful about vocalising a trauma he's been hiding for years, as the many women who have spoken out since the #MeToo movement.

Not only does this put into question Joe BORG'S personal credibility, but the Adelaide woman is going to be a big price for this unconscionable 'crook' to pay, in that respect. Obviously in terms of how the innocent victim has been portrayed, for one.

To make matters worse, 'filming' and 'exhibiting' yourself in a 'threesome' with an innocent victim, without her knowledge, and in absolute secrecy, is a deviate's act, and simply not on! Certainly, not in Canada. I would imagine this would be the case in Australia and worldwide these days.

Substantial damages from emotional distress, humiliation, psychological trauma, loss of dignity and self esteem, and invasion of privacy will, without a doubt, come at a high price."

"I put to everyone that deals with Joe BORG - can you afford to be associated with him, his company, and how can you ever possibly believe and trust him in any capacity?"

S. Fortunato - IngenioCorp Toronto Canada Chapter 

The Victims here are simply Chasing Justice and Honour

"IngenioCorp's inventive justice commission, and the RAGUSA team which now also includes the billionaire James PACKER, are confident a Justice Department's indictment will present a witness list of more than (20) twenty people, which includes names of people who have entered Ken THOMAS of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS - personal colluding orbit.

Remarkably, Mr. Giuseppe RAGUSA, an original 'seed capital" investor, and a 92 year old polio sufferer, was conveniently, by THOMAS and BORG 'left out' and 'dishonoured' of his 'seed' investment returns whilst Ken THOMAS and, the defamatory Joe BORG proceeded to honour in full and, with 100% interest all other investor's capital which constitute highly suspicious, illegal and colluding parties, of their investment funds. Despicable and disgusting are the best words to describe these guys, and can't be repeated enough".
S.Stewart - Modesto Chapter USA


"Ken THOMAS of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS and GP TRUCK PRODUCTS are revealed as the master thieves of inventions, innovations and strategic business models, from the dreams and inspirations of other people's imagination, innovation, and hard work. 

They have deplorably, unconscionably and dishonestly denied any recognition, success or profit share to the original inventor and innovator of 'everything' Mario RAGUSA created, which essentially constitutes all the products and IP,  that these 'dirty rotten scoundrels' make, promote, sell and distribute throughout Australia and the rest of World.

Truckmaster Series 500 patents, designs, and the complete suite of technological product patents and innovations, trade marks, copyright material, business plans, sales strategies, and marketing plans are the entire works of the sole original creator - Mario RAGUSA. 

'Where's the Justice? I am absolutely 'rapt' and 'over-the moon' to learn the billionaire James PACKER has joined 'the good fight'. Well done Mars!!!"
N.Cadman - London Chapter UK

We would like to thank all our valued Supporters from around the World for their Crowdfunding Support and also the determination of our Marvellous legal team.

"We urge all our fantastic supporters to read our partner's comments in this despicable conspiracy, executed by the unconscionable Ken THOMAS, and the dishonourable Joe BORG.   

Tremendous insights have been provided from acquired transcripts of the scandal and distributed around the World. A lot of 'friends' are now assisting us to mount an irrefutable case, for justice to be done and due punishment to be dished out accordingly, to force these 'dirty rotten' business scoundrels, out of their 'foxholes'."

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Joe BORG and Ken THOMAS  
Listen Up - We're Coming to Get You!

"IngenioCorp's IP Justice Division shall prevail on this miscarriage of justice with the help of a generous and highly successful crowdfunding campaign. Ken THOMAS and Joe BORG must be hunted down, corralled before the media, and eventually exposed and paraded like war criminals, via a comprehensive social media proliferation campaign, the printed, digital media and newscasts. 

My main aim is to fully assist in EXPOSING the arrogant attitudes, false and fabricated lies, and the arrogance exhibited by both lowlives in, Ken THOMAS and Joe BORG. Your seemingly good character hides behind a scroud of discrimination and corruption of the highest order, including deception, dishonesty and ultimate dishonour. 

I understand it's now been over 25 years of this alarmingly abused plagiarism, fraud, unconscionable dishonesty, deception and a systematic infliction of misery, toward the innocent, and the hard work of rightful creators of all innovations, patents, trade marks, business systems and marketing material, that they have unscrupulously stolen. We MUST ensure that the 'jig is up' for these dirty rotten scoundrels. I am disgusted and appalled at this behaviour. The show must go on and it is sensational news in getting James PACKER'S support - a bloody rarity, and well done, Mario".
AmandaG - WA Chapter USA

Do Your DUE DILIGENCE on these Rogue Companies operated by Dishonest Scammers...

"It's simply sensational that inventions, technical drawings, product designs and research and development, copyright material, trade marks, sales and marketing plans, and beginning-to-end commercialisation success, are borne from the sole inspiration, inventiveness, creativity and innovation of Mario RAGUSA - and that he was treated so unconscionably, and with the utmost deceit.

In fact, it is common knowledge everything Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING makes, sells and claims credit for, has been unbelievably, and corruptly been stolen from Mario RAGUSA, by means of grand deception plans, fraudulent financial intimidation, systemic collusion and 'truck full' of fabricated lies". 

NOTE: To all these 'villains' trading partners, DO yourselves a BIG favour - DO NOT TRUST these individuals and their associated companies and DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING. 

Conduct your thorough DUE DILIGENCE - We're Warning You - DEAL WITH THEM AT YOUR OWN PERIL.
M.Mundy - Perth Chapter AUS

Sorry to be perfectly blunt Spain, these bastard's wouldn't enjoy a single 'Day in the Sun'

"Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS' premeditated and unconscionable theft and injustices towards Mario RAGUSA and his proprietary inventions and innovations. will be proven beyond reasonable doubt to be the work of modern day 'human' vultures, dream stealers and outright thieves - whom in their entire lifetime, could never match Mario Ragusa's ingenuity, product development and commercialisation prowess. To suggest they are inept and incapable of any such development or ingenuity, is an absolute understatement.

Henceforth, it is widely accepted that by means of unconscionable collusion and absolute dishonour, Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS proceeded to act with deliberate intent, and with sheer opportunism to seize, all the Mario Ragusa IP and company shareholdings, knowing full well but disregarding the eventual risk of damaging their reputations, and the grave consequences they would face in future. 

They played the 'devils game' and indiscriminately decided to execute a vindictive and malicious campaign against the RAGUSA family (investor and inventor), with an absolute disregard of the law, and an impending date with DESTINY and KARMA. They both simply did not care 25 years ago, and seriously believed they would never 'see' eventuating 'down the track'. 

Now, they justifyingly and rightly face a writ for over $18,000,000 for lost profits with interest, and a damages bill of over $8,457,000 for investment funds owed to Giuseppe RAGUSA. Awesome news today that Mario Ragusa was able to recruit the billionaire, James PACKER to come 'onboard'.

Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING (the greedy and despicable owner of everything he put his grubby little hands on) and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS (his highly intimidated 'lackie') became unconscionable loyal partners, in order to assist each other in the grand collusion and deception, that was absolutely necessary in order to 'execute' and ultimately 'pull-off' their dastardly, shameful and illegal robbery. Joe Borg for his part was able to attain a senior title on his business card and a 'small' percentage of the 'scam'. A big price to pay if you ask anyone now! 

"The fact that both Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS dishonourably conjured their dirty rotten premeditated scheme and dreamed up the radical plan, while Mario RAGUSA was conveniently absent and doing business, in the USA. "The more I read about these shifty lowfife 'guys' the more upset I get"
F.Mandachita - Madrid Chapter Spain

"Don't Let Loyalty to People Stand in the Way of Truth and Wellbeing of the Organisation" 

...even if your ultimate ambitions by means of Deception and Corruption means a lot of money and power, the easy, thieving, dishonest way". 

"THE CRITICAL ELEMENT OF THIS FRAUD CASE against Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS is to highlight the type of consorting and unconscionable collusion that transpired and took place in deep secrecy between these two scoundrels, sharing the 'bowels' of the toilet buildings that are; 27 Hinkler Rd Braeside, in order to covertly 'back-each-other, in". 

"The executed scam clearly demonstrates the audacity of their combined impropriety, and a total lack of integrity, absence of any good character traits whatsoever, and an absolute untrustworthiness, without peer. The strength of the case grows and grows...Enter James PACKER the billionaire, promising us his total support and hopefully our turn to kick their asses to kingdom come".

"These 'modern day pirates' will also come to understand as 'Social Auditing and Responsibility' grows in importance in the corporate world, Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS by association, shall find themselves outcasts in the wider transport industry sector in which they deal. All major customers' will be privy to these, and all other disturbing claims against these rogue operators." 

"Human Resource directors at all major companies, in time, will inevitably treat them as 'pariahs'. There is no escaping the fact. It's 2021 for crying out loud.". 

"It has come to this because,  Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS have steadfastly refused to recognise truth, honesty and honour, and alternatively have left the Mario and Giuseppe Ragusa absolutely no other choice in order to get due IP licensing justice, recognition of ownership and their just investment returns, despite irrefutable and overwhelming evidence". 

"The conspiracy to commit fraud and pervert the course of justice will never win out!  Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS both chose to 'con' the wrong family whom are prepared to go the distance, and now have the backing of seriously influential people, with deeper pocket's than themselves. The current proposal of a formation of a 'Victorian Justice Commission' would be a great idea and would put them both away, for a long time. How can anyone in their 'right mind' deal and trust these thieves?"
Legal Moderator - Blackfords London

A Court Date is Imminent - Now You're Going to be Sued for $18Million

"Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS - Be prepared that you and your associated companies are now going to be sued by Mario Ragusa, for over $18,000,000 (that's millions) and Giuseppe Ragusa's steadily accruing $5,457,000. You both bloody well deserve everything that's justifyingly coming your way, that's for sure. IngenioCorp intends to fight for all damages and render you 'bankrupts' if need be".

"Just like everyone hates a crooked cop, politician and the like - Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS have proven over and again to be callous, selfish and remorseless individuals and exponents of deplorable business practices and injustices". 

"Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING hides behind the falsehood of a likeable aussie larrikin, in his trusted stubbies image, and passes himself off as an honorable, hardworking and good moral citizen. Nothing could be further from the truth. A remorseless, cold and calculating villain is more apt".

"Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING is in stark contrast, a cruel scheming bastard that anyone could ever come across. It's the best accurate description of this cheating parasite. Eddie (the father) was nothing more than grumpy frustrated old man who 'just got lucky' early in business life. The REDLINE ENGINEERING business skill set, and management style was of a 1960's era by-gone long ago. These are the type of people who simply have no idea about Culture, Ethics and Emotional IntelligenceThey believe these modern principles are a load of 'bullshit' and totally 'laughable". 
M.Norman - Netherlands Chapter Eu
Throw Away the Keys at these Crooks

"Dealing with these malicious, unrepentant pariahs' has been a revelation, in that the existence of bad, disgusting scruples and deceitful individuals, are actually alive and well in today's Melbourne society and business world".

"The deplorable, unconscionable dishonesty and fraud they have committed, will surely haunt the entire Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS stable, until the day they are forced to close their doors for good, and the despicable and offensive operators take their last gasp of air"

"Let's just make sure IngenioCorp finally makes the deserving repercussions to these rogues, happen sooner than later. The recruitment of a sympathetic retired Supreme Court Justice, a successful Crowdfunding Campaign and the recruit of James PACKER  will be met with trepidation and turn the tables our way, finally.  You rotten dirty lying buggers!" 
B.Grasby - SEATTLE Chapter USA

Want to learn more? Check out the latest news at these publications. There's always something new.    NEW LEGAL DUMP💥

A Total Miscarriage of Justice

"Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS are nothing short of 'freaks of a parasitical nature and are surely kidding themselves?...Fucking Braeside in Melbourne Australia, ain't the Sudan or Yemen, you dishonourable rotten cockheads. This kind of deplorable business conduct and miscarriage of justice organised by Ken Thomas and Joe BORG, must not go away or remain unresolved. We want results in Scotland, for one".
N.Doyle - Scotland Chapter UK

Cheats, Liars and Thieves without Peer

"IngenioCorp's absolute intentions in sending advance copies of the proposed book of this drama filled scandal, and copies of this blog, based on the farcical display of business behaviour by Thomas and Borg, which ironically and inadvertently made possible for everyone to study and review, will surely bring 'down the curtain' and be a lesson to anyone considering the same shameful acts of corruption and denial, in this inimitable fashion". 

"All parties in the transport and manufacturing industry will be made aware of Thomas's and Borg's miscarriage of justice, and be forced to reconsider the ramifications of trading with a corrupt set of individuals like them, and made to stand-up and concur and sympathise with the complainants and victims". 

"IngenioCorp's wholehearted intention to ensure the life-long legacy and damaged reputations of Thomas and Borg to be the subject of adverse, disturbing findings and accusations - both Thomas and Borg had coming for a long, long time. Do they really think learned' lawyers, judges and highly skilled investigators haven't seen their stereotypical concealment of honest business and outright fraud before? A total joke to society is the best description of their unconscionable collusion and behaviour".

"IngenioCorp are of firm belief this case is form of 'Human Rights' abuse too. It's widely understood, Ken Thomas and Joe Borg have both corruptly, and by unlawful and indiscriminate collusion, knowingly and wilfully 'ripped off' a 92 year old polio sufferer of his hard earned investment of 'seed' capital for GENERAL PNEUMATICS projects, which incredibly consisted of Giuseppe RAGUSA'S entire and honestly derived (taxed income) life savings - essentially to support his son's ingenuity - and unlike all other shady and highly suspicious individuals and their dubious and highly questionable funds, whom have since been paid-out-in-full. There remains little doubt the RAGUSA family were victims of a miscarriage and perversion of justice and discriminated against by criminals, not often seen before. That's what greed does to people."

Words cannot describe the evolution and ramifications of the injustice and low-acts of these villains, and we must concur that the resilience, strength and patience shown by the RAGUSA family is to be truly commended and congratulated. Please take all necessary action to stamp out this sort of corrupt behaviour asap and give both Ragusa's a bloody gold medal".
P.Osborne - Qld Chapter AUS

Corruption at its Worst in Braeside - Melbourne

"It will be proven beyond any reasonable doubt, Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, both proceeded to honour in-full all 'black cash' investments of extremely dubious and highly suspicious injections of capital made by all other questionable 'historical' third-parties, only to ensure all 'other' parties act in systematic collusion against the Ragusa family, that they desperately needed to keep onside, and guarantee Thomas and Borg could 'pull-off' the heist of money and IP corruption, they could only dream and safely provide authorities a 'believable' fabricated alibi'. 

"In conclusion "Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS' are the corrupt managers and owners who have unconscionably and remorsefully denied the RAGUSA family of their financial investment and IP rights, in order to make good their sophisticated and unscrupulous plan to virtually 'raid' all valuable proprietary and investment funds, which was essentially not legally theirs to discriminately administer and take control and instead honoured whoever agreed to collude, to do so successfully".

"It was critical and essential to distorting all prior understandings, agreements and company structures, all designed entirely for the sole benefit and profit of Thomas and Borg is going to be exposed and demonstrated to have occurred corruptly and unlawfully to facilitate the stealing of all associated IP, shares and investment funds belonging to the RAGUSA'S. We are supremely confident the court's, lawmakers and investigators will see right through these dishonest criminals, there's no doubt about that!" 

Genevieve Alison at the Herald-Sun is particularly keen on this story, as well as that of Borg's indiscriminate criminal act of filming and exhibiting 'his' sex-threesome crime without the victim's knowledge. She specialises in all this stuff.

Note, the world has changed considerably since your ill executed corrupt crimes, and the 1960's management style of management and crooked style that father Eddie taught Ken, are no longer tolerated in society and Ken's deliberate collusion to commit fraud, dishonourable wrongdoings, contempt, distortion of the truth, and of unconscionable conduct is long gone...without due penalty and conviction. Those days ended 40 years ago, you fucking low down prick."
P.Shaw - Manchester UK Chapter 

Morally incomprehensible individuals who should be banned and boycotted by all Trading partners

"Anyone with half-a-brain (may we suggest Joe Borg here) will clearly see, just like 'blind freddie' can, Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS operating from the same 'shithole' premises at 27 Hinkler Rd Braeside, have continually proven to be highly deceptive and extremely dishonest in all their historical business dealings. 

"You, Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING are a crooked thieving shameless scumbag individual.  Not surprisingly, you go into your tortoise shell, and are understandably highly dismissive when asked"... 

""How the fuck Ken, did you come to acquire a complete suite of advanced technology products, the established business systems, marketing and sales plans and, sales models, OEM standing annual contract orders from Kenworth, Mack, Volvo, Iveco, Western Star, Mercedes, Scania etc and how did you get away without paying the rightful owners zilch? I mean, Mario RAGUSA spent ten years of hard work in developing and inventing all the products and copyright, of which you exclusively make, sell and promote and distribute, under the guise as legal owners?' A parasite like you, Ken, and the sexual lying deviate in Joe Borg will turn the colour of beetroots inside the atmosphere and smell of a courthouse before a judge and a transcript typist, and without the fucking the protection of your 'toilet like' premises and, being surrounded by 'yes' men - you absolute bastard jerk!"  

Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS you must be both getting a gut-feeling that the end is 'nigh', and we also intend to raise with authorities the scandal involving a 92 year man and polio sufferer that you have been scamming for year's now. As a reminder of the damage you have created for yourself, we will be contacting Scorpion bus manufacturer's in New Zealand too. Your behaviour is shameful and disgusting and, Scorpion buses along with all other manufacturer's in the Australia marketplace, will be ordered that under no circumstances, they deal with your corrupt companies, in any capacity. If Scorpion and the like disobey and don't listen, they too will suffer the same consequences, of a deliberate propaganda machine against them as well."
W. Wilson - Auckland NZ Chapter 

Ripping-off a 92 year old Polio Sufferer of his life savings is so inhumane...

The unconscionable act of swindling a 92 year old man and polio sufferer of his life savings and not recognising him as a legitimate 'seed' investor is disgraceful. His absolutely legal investment document, promissory note, contract, call it what you will - and duly signed by Joe Borg (original signed copy is in our possession), has now matured to the value of Over $8,457,000 - and Giuseppe Ragusa indeed wants his money back with interest - like every other bugger that got their investment money back - and not before long, given his ailing health and age. Watch out Ken THOMAS - don't muck about here, the stakes are very high and you play a dangerous game if you don't comply and do the right thing. Anything happens to Giuseppe Ragusa's health and he is not paid, people will come at you, all guns blaring - that's a promise.
V. Morabito - Johannesburg - S.Africa Chapter

Ken, let there be no mistake...We're watching You

"Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS; Let there be absolutely no doubt of our intentions to alert the ATO, ASIC and the Court's, you systematically and decisively paid out the loans and investments shown below, by exercising your own, unjustified and selective discretionary powers. In the process you both intentionally, and entirely by design, left out and totally denied the only true investor that injected 'taxed-income' funds - all other paid-investors were made up of 'black-cash, historical debts and 'yes' men who went along with the collusion you orchestrated. A promise to both you villains. Leave the fucking country (covid 19 or, not) if anything happens to Giuseppe Ragusa, and he remains unpaid. You will both be 'dead men' walking." 
P.Marciano Mass Chapter USA

Check this out, as if we don't know Kenny and JoJo - You Bastard Bush Pigs 

Importantly, easy for everyone to see Ken Thomas and Joe Borg looked after themselves very nicely, thank you very much.

  ^Fabio Moras.....$70,000 @ 17% Int p.a (6.5yrs)

  Don Marsh.......$50,000 17% Int p.a (4yrs) and, (Mazda MX-6 motor vehicle)

  ^David Calleja of Calleja Transport .......$26,000 17% Int p.a (4yrs)

  ^Jim Bajada......$25,000  paid 100% interest 

^^Redline Engineering......$250,000 @ 7.5% int p/qtr 

^^Redline Engineering......$130,000 (can anyone believe) @ 30% int p.a

^Note: Highly suspicious investments of an illegal nature. (See) 'black-cash' injection of capital and 'laundered' with Thomas family cheques.

^^Note: Highly suspicious, dishonest, dishonourable and corrupt loans and debts entirely fabricated by the Thomas family - whenever they saw fit

Note: Joe Borg is so intimidated, and shit scared of Ken Thomas, that Borg wouldn't dare question 'anything', and if he does, Borg will run the risk of being turfed out - with the week's trash and left destitute.

Parasites at their very Corrupt and Dishonest Worst...

"One glimpse at the above numbers by any forensic finance analyst worth his ilk, one would have to 'totally blind' not to realise the entire operation is comprised of a 'shambolic concoction' of distorted facts, and a deliberate corruption on Ken Thomas's part, with the total blessing of Joe BORG (no fucking choice); for all wrongdoings, and with criminal intent to 'cook the books', as he pleased.

Apart from Don Marsh's original seed capital investment - 'all' (we repeat) 'all' other so-called loans and investments honoured by Ken Thomas and Joe Borg in full, and with generous interest, are all of a highly suspicious, seriously contentious, spectacularly dubious, and from dishonest sources. There is no doubt, the original paperwork in our possession is irrefutable evidence. Fortunately, we have 'inside' operator's feeding us this information.

"Honouring 'black-cash' and highly contentious funds appears to be the unquestionable prerequisite for the corrupt Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, to honour investors"
M.Lanciana - Catania Chapter Italy

Ken Thomas and Joe Borg, all the while 'launder' illegal money, for and on behalf of, all their colluding, unrepentant and remorseless partners. Work of two devil's.

Where's Giuseppe RAGUSA'S investment money Ken Thomas and Joe Borg, you fucking thieves? 

Well, Giuseppe RAGUSA'S investment inevitable payout is now going to hurt Ken Thomas badly, and we know where it hurts him most, you tight ass prick.  How does $8.457 million grab you - pathetic parasite personified. 

Ken Thomas, you know, and we know, and our paper trail can absolutely verify and prove with a certain degree of assurance, and also widely accepted as common knowledge, Redline Engineering did with monotonous regularity, create 'sham' invoices, billed indiscriminately whenever it wanted, in order to 'ramp up' the Redline Engineering balance sheet, and unjustifyingly burdened GENERAL PNEUMATICS (when Mario RAGUSA was present) with extraordinary amounts of false and fabricated debt, for and on behalf, of his own personal whims, wishes, and benefit." 

And then, Ken Thomas created a Ponzi Scheme...

"The serious financial crimes Ken Thomas devised by means of outright corruption, dishonesty, and fuelled by intense greed - and without any reality checks, balances and objections, or comments by anyone are going public.  Ken Thomas, you are by definition, the stereotypical thief, and a low, lying scumbag. You so wanted to create a 'Utopian' arrangement for yourself, you ultimately had to 'stoop' so low as to steal everything - unconscionably, and doing simply as only YOU saw fit. You're not a human being, you are the scum of the Earth. GENERAL PNEUMATICS became a 'sham' trading entity that was in fact, no more than a created 'ponzi' scheme for Redline Engineering."

Ken Thomas, created a corrupt, covert trading business entity that he long dreamed. Smart by halves we say, you son-of-a-bitch. Our team shall unravel and address all your improprieties, and that's a promise. Be aware, people are NOT all as stupid as you think. You're nothing more than a fink.

For Your Information, and a constant reminder (until the cows come home) and an obvious thorn on your side - a stone in your shoe - and we're sure, a total pain in the ass for you,  Mr.Giuseppe Ragusa's $8.457 million remains unpaid, and is rising every month. Walter Buffet did say the power of compounding is the only way, he got rich.

Note: The signed, and original contract in our possession clearly states Mr.Giuseppe Ragusa's 35 year investment @ 17% interest, is continuing to compound, as the day's roll-on. Mr.Giuseppe RAGUSA's original investment remains unpaid, unrecognised, disregarded and dishonoured by you, to this day. Given his ^92 years of age and frail health, we urge you to address this as soon as possible.

^If anything happens to Mr. Giuseppe Ragusa, and his payment remains dishonoured, yourself, and the bastard Joe Borg are highly recommended to 'head for the hills'.

Mr.Giuseppe RAGUSA demands his payment with interest, and to be paid in full - as you did with 'all the crooks' that you have since honoured, and paid-out-in-full, you scumbag thief. Not recognising or paying this debt promises an eventual full forensic audit by authorities and auditors of all your operations (at your cost), so that every small detail is scrutinised, until everything including your 'petty cash' entries, come to the fore, and all truths are duly exposed. 

Again, let this be an advance warning to you Ken Thomas - again... the amount owed to Mr.Giuseppe Ragusa's is currently over $8.457 Million - and counting. Failing to do so, you will run the risk of 'a certain' bankruptcy, when this and all other corrupt activities are fully and expertly unravelled. You best know, our historical and miserable plight against your wrongdoings has now gained the full support of James PACKER'S billions, and his recruitment will act as a catalyst to absolutely expose you in every humanly possible way. Your 75th birthday is destined to be monumental disaster, on a scale that you never imagined would happen."
M.Pallister - Birmingham UK Chapter 

There are Two Uncertainties in Life  
     "Court of Law, and Surgery"
Learned' Criminologist on the RAGUSA legal team

"The way Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, operate their business affairs is absolutely disgraceful, 'shambolic' and totally dishonest, in a way that words cannot begin to describe - corrupt management at it's (worst) best."
H.King - Melbourne Chapter AU

"Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS may dismiss the accusations made against them by Mario RAGUSA, as sour grapes and ancient history. If one reads the insurmountable and irrefutable evidence related to 'their' dastardly behaviour, and 'looks' at legal documents held by the RAGUSA family, everyone will learn, agree, realise and conclude in no uncertain terms, the extent of the maliciousness that 'crooked mongrels' like Ken Thomas and Joe Borg went to, benefited from, and corruptly executed, and designed to dishonestly obstruct the truth and 'honest' people's due rights".
C.Mavis - Adelaide Chapter AU

"In committing fraud and obstructing justice, Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, proceeded to deny, the sole inventor of his rightful claims and exploitation for his product designs and patents, as well as, the rights and privileges of an honest, hard working 'seed capital' investor of his justifiable and rightful capital returns, as required by law, without the interference and legal obstruction of their ill founded intentions, and absolute indiscretions." 
U.Behringer - Germany Chapter EU

"Instead of treating Giuseppe RAGUSA'S investment equally, and with the 'just' respect it richly deserves, just as in the case of other 'shady' and 'highly suspicious' investor's, which were were fully recognised and 100% honoured, Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, simply proceeded to disregard perhaps the only 'real' investor, that injected capital which was 'clean' and legitimate 'taxed-income' savings for the benefit of his son's ingenuity and eventual profiteering. The mind boggles how Thomas and Borg sleep at night, but we're positive Karma shall prevail and, RAGUSA'S due rights will be totally vindicated." 
G. Esposito - Brazil Chapter Sth.Am

"We are anticipating the release of a complete and unedited story of all Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS' wrongdoings,  ambush, dishonesty and trickery of all IP and investments unconscionably handed out to the Ragusa family, shall be the main characters to feature in an upcoming book release of a penultimate scandal. We will urge all trading partners of Ken Thomas and Joe Borg to boycott their socially irresponsible and repugnantly corrupt companies and, cast as the villain's who 'hide' behind them."
G.Busetill - Sydney Chapter AUS

Ken Thomas's REDLINE ENGINEERING (who was only ever intended to be solely a manufacturer) of Mario RAGUSA'S products, proceeded to, and with a remorseless and ill intent, to continuously burden Mario RAGUSA'S GENERAL PNEUMATICS company (that he founded) with unjustly and unlawfully fabricate false invoices, in order to complete Thomas's dishonourable intentions and criminality in an act of outright and unmistakable corruption, purposefully designed to inflict unbearable 'pressure' upon Mario RAGUSA - and to eventually drive him out of his own company with a ill founded grander hidden agenda and corrupt intentions." 
K.Carnarvon - Brussels Belgium Chapter EU

"Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING 'conned' and orchestrated an elaborate rhetoric of fabricated lies in order to conjure and realise a total ownership and takeover of all Mario RAGUSA'S IP, shareholdings and family investments to mercifully mastermind, by means of collusion with 'other' third-parties, to complete his unconscionable ambush, and only to foster a greedy appetite perpetrated to satisfy his own selfish motivations by unconscionable precision.  'People are not as stupid as you think Ken Thomas, and you're not the first to have tried to 'engineer' such a coup, and attempted to get away with it!" Lucky you don't reside in Rhode Island 'mate" - people here would take your 'head' off.
M.Ragosta - RI Chapter USA

Daylight Robbery at the bequest of Ken THOMAS

"Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING, you will be made to regress, that you corruptly provided shonky, sub-standard, dirty old premises, with limited resources, and resembling a toilet block for RAGUSA'S Truckmaster Series 500 Filter and IP project, at an alarmingly inflated high cost, $16,000 (no less) and the convoluted, premeditated and corrupt manner in which you did it, in order to deceive, pressure, and ultimately steal what was not rightfully yours in the first place."

"Upon the partnership Mario RAGUSA set up with Ken Thomas's REDLINE ENGINEERINGin absolute trust and good faith, Ken Thomas proceeded to unabashedly waste no time in billing Mario RAGUSA's GENERAL PNEUMATICS company with extravagant fees and false invoices for expenses that virtually did not exist, to the extent they 'unbelievably' and unjustifyingly went about charging $16,000/mth rent, for what was essentially a grubby 'toilet' building (until Mario RAGUSA with his partner spent their weekends painting and furnishing the bloody disastrous joint to add some respectability, and to provide a somewhat habitable office environment) - which was previously a room resembling that of a cheap brothel and, charging outlandish outgoings that were absolutely unjustified and totally corrupt. The THOMAS'S were in fact making a profit from this premeditated planned scam". 

"Everyone will ultimately 'see through' the covert strategy and the manner Ken Thomas ultimately conducted himself, by design. Ken Thomas did what he intentionally planned all along and by what can only be explained as 'masterful deception' and utmost corruption. Ken Thomas, you didn't invent scams, it's been happening for over 2,000 years. Experienced and 'gifted' investigators, lawyers and auditors will get to the 'bottom' of it all, and expose your corruption in all manners of ways. We only hope you suffer the same pain as the RAGUSA'S have had to endure for a long time".

"Bullies and Thieves' have been mentioned in spades to describe the Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, in their combined corruption and collusion activities on the world wide web, but we have also witnessed many original related transcripts and statements of this conspiracy to support the good cause, and words really fail to put a positive diplomatic spin on their callous, crooked, and thieving ways. Ken Thomas and Joe Borg are both undoubtedly of shonky bad character and possessing shameful integrity and dishonesty. What asshole scammer's you both turned out!" 
Your judgement day is coming, you disgusting low-down, rotten lying and scheming scoundrels".
S.Kirchner - Luxemburg Chapter - EU 

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       JOE BORG - A Cheat and Liar at it's Worst...

"The Insolvency and State Trustees in Australia will explore why debts and loans related to Joe BORG'S past business failures and 'signed off' bankruptcy declarations, have been since honoured in full, treated as preferential creditors, and paid out in full with up to 100% interest by Ken THOMAS'S REDLINE ENGINEERING. It will be fully explained and prosecuted in due course, the unconscionable intent employed by Thomas and Borg, was merely to execute the unlawful 'take-over' by collusion by the 'preferred third-parties with fraudulent and corrupt intent, to 'wrong' and inflict misery upon the RAGUSA family." 
P. Barry - Sydney Chapter AUS

"JOE BORG - Now We Know You're in Serious Strife"

"Ken Thomas of REDLINE ENGINEERING infamy, did you know, in your wildest dreams that your partner in crime and, all business things 'bad' that Joe BORG your 'self imposed' managing (muppet) director of GENERAL PNEUMATICS is actually a sexual deviate, having committed sexual harassment and sexual assault, and remains only for the time being, an unconvicted criminal and only because prosecution for his crime has not yet been reported and has not begun? 

Joseph (Joe) Anthony BORG actually 'films and videotapes' unsuspecting female victims without their knowledge and embarks holding screenings for countless friend's and acquaintance's, for his own personal gratification and devious satisfaction. This constitutes an invasion of privacy and a host of other criminal offences that carry serious charges and offences. There is ample information in these blogs which go in greater detail. We'll leave that to you to explore. 

Be reminded, Joseph (Joe) Anthony BORG is a flawed and dishonest character and, is with the fact, your 'bastard' business partner in crime. You're harbouring a criminal.
The Police will be called upon, and become involved at the precisely the 'right time' we choose. It's nice to hold a hand of 'good cards' for a change and it's also called case-building and Karma - and it's coming back to 'bite you on the ass' in a really big way. Ken Thomas, you and, Joe Borg are 'fucking' low down 'sods', and both your reputations are going down the toilet. This strong evidence (we have over 30 testimonials to call upon) will be used to comprehensively demonstrate 'Joe Borg's devious and rotten reputation, lack of integrity, and absolute dishonesty. Suffer in your jocks.
C. Blastow - Melbourne Chapter - Aus

Ken Thomas...Are You Fucking Dumb or just plain Stupid?

"In fraudulently and dishonestly seizing control of the holdings company General Pneumatics and it's suite of technology products, invented and innovated solely by Mario RAGUSA - for your own selfish, shameless and greedy needs and purposes, you, Ken Thomas, and your despicable and dishonorable associate in Joe BORG your self-imposed Managing (muppet) Director of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, are also guilty of cunningly stealing a list of physics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics textbooks belonging to Mario RAGUSA, which incidentally are way beyond your's and Joe BORG'S understanding or possible comprehension. That's just to prove another aspect of your incompetence and thieving ways - and we totally understand your motivations for doing so, to impress your family, staff and friends. Return these as soon as possible please - before your premises or household's are raided."

"We know for a fact, Joe BORG 'your' muppet managing director of GENERAL PNEUMATICS doesn't have any friends to speak of, and can perhaps only rely upon one - the corrupt Jimmy BAJADA. You remember the guy well Ken, together with your father you both 'cleaned' Jimmy BAJADA'S $25,000 'black cash' and made it magically reappear as $50,000 in his Westpac bank account. We are also very aware this aspect of your deception managed to complete, your fraudulent takeover of Ragusa's entire IP and project by a planned collusion." Notably, as you well know, Joe Borg also forged Bajada's signature on a fraudulent patent assignment, which remains a public record."

"As a consequence of your indisputable dishonourable actions throughout this long standing saga, you have also played a major part in inadvertently stagnating, denying, withholding, preventing, and abusing Australian R&D progress, ingenuity and innovation, from a planned continuation of evolutionary discoveries and developments, in a specialist discipline, only Mario Ragusa is capable."

You, Ken Thomas Managing Director of REDLINE ENGINEERING together with Joe BORG Managing Director of GENERAL PNEUMATICS are both guilty of a national disgrace, and unsavoury Australian behaviour. You, Ken THOMAS, will be made an example of...and this time around, we won't hold back on all types and manners of claims for damages against you, under any circumstances. Sick Fuck."
D.Clarke - Modesto Calif Chapter - USA

"Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS you will be ultimately portrayed as opportunistic pariahs' who had ample time and resources to plan and execute your R&D business and IP ambush on Mario Ragusa's company, inventions and copyright to serve pure selfish greed. Your reputation (and hopefully long lasting legacy) is going to be severely compromised" 

Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS you both chose the unconscionable and irreversible path that inflicted the utmost misery, and to bring about great difficulties to the Mario RAGUSA - the inventor, copyright owner and shareholder of General Pneumatics, and Giuseppe RAGUSA the capital 'seed' investor' - with a total disregard, and absence of any honesty, good morals, proper governance, ethics, and honorable business conduct - without ever considering the extent of your crimes, or the inevitable date with Karma and jurisdiction. 

God, can anyone imagine Joe BORG in a witness stand, or in prison? I want a photo of the bastard in his prison garb. Who's going to do the sales Ken? You may end up alone, fucked-up and hopefully miserable, and destitute in your old age. There exists severe penalties for what you have both concocted in your businesses, and got away with, until now. We hear reports Joe BORG is going to be eventually prosecuted for serious sexual assault, harassment and privacy charges. That should provide ample proof, for our benefit in court, Joe BORG is a dishonest, dishonourable and absolutely flawed character, who cannot be trusted under any circumstances? That's all the Ragusa family want to express before a judge, to fully support their entire case - against you and Borg.
N.Dare - Qld Chapter - AU

Freaks... Blinded by the Money, Power and Control

"Ken Thomas owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, with absolute disregard and foresight of the legal, reputational, and moral consequences they would ultimately face in the future for their cowardly, dishonest, opportunistic and corrupt unconscionable seizure of Ragusa's family interests would ultimately expose in the future - fuelled entirely by their greed for money, power and control derived entirely by Mario Ragusa's Intellectual Property inventions and authored copyright  - they proceeded to execute their miscarriage of justice upon innocent individuals, without a second thought. 

The arrogant, shameless and supremely confident Ken Thomas, together with the fraudulent Joe Borg, decided to take their chances on their ill timed sabotage, and now will suffer the significant and serious repercussions as a result, and as promised long ago. 

Naturally, all cheats, liars and criminals believe they can get away with their indiscretions forever. Soon however, both Thomas and Borg will be taught a valuable lesson with a comprehensive IP Justice Campaign as constant reminders of their fateful decisions, which they will have learn to live with, until eternity. We don't see the internet or legal jurisdictions disappearing anytime soon. Thomas and Borg were warned and should have considered more diligently, the social, ethical and moral obligations of their misleading, corrupt and dishonest ways. It will ultimately prove life-changing."
M.Stadescale - Rome Chapter - Italy

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Ken Thomas and Joe Borg - Are You guys Serious? 
You deserve Jail...and Nothing Less will Do...

"Ken Thomas and Eddie Thomas owner's of REDLINE ENGINEERING made a ridiculously embarrassing and humiliating and non-negotiable offer, of a  payout figure to Mario RAGUSA for his ten year's development of his created IP, shares and copyright or, threatened immediate closure of the General Pneumatics Unit Trust and open up another Trust, and get nothing, surely takes the cake! Everything about the transaction proposal included incorrect contractual and ownership details, distorted and wrong information and, unconstitutional in law."

"We do understand the game 'that holding all the cards' in a buy-sell transaction is almighty powerful, and we concur this was a champagne cork-popping moment frozen in time, back at the Ken Thomas ranch". 

"Naturally, the serial backstabbing and defamatory Joe Borg was understandably reported to be in full celebration. This event has long remained IngenioCorp's Inventive Justice Programs', and our legal team's key motivation". 

"We are absolutely aware that all other 'so called' seed capital investors into the General Pneumatics operations were actually loan sharks to Joe Borg, and made up of capital of a highly suspicious, illegal and dubious nature, to say the least. Unlike the honest Ragusa family's legitimate investment (and not honoured, to date) whilst the Joe Borg creditors were treated preferentially and as such, were rewarded accordingly in order to facilitate the proposed collusion for their part in the miscarriage of justice, and duly consummated only if, their complicity in the corruption could be informally guaranteed. An offer too good and easy, they could not refuse. Money talks..."

"ITSA will be made aware of Joe Borg's total contempt for Australian Bankruptcy Laws, and in addition to a virtual long list of illegal activities, Jimmy Bajada who was an assignor of Borg's half share in a Ragusa patent, given to Borg by Ragusa in good faith, even when there was no obligation for Ragusa to do so, Jimmy Bajada remains to this day totally unaware his signature had been forged by Joe Borg on legal patent documents, and the fact remains, his signature was worth a great deal more money than Jimmy Bajada ever imagined". 

"However, this embroilment did guarantee Jimmy Bajada to effectively 'clean' $25,000 'black cash' and corruptly received a $50,000 bank cheque from the Thomas family - for his troubles. This type of unconscionable and illegal behaviour consistently epitomises the 'scams' in Thomas's and Borg's activities their total contempt for the law, the remorseless fraudulent activity and their orchestrated collusion - to obstruct justice and ultimately 'con' the Ragusa family to be placed 'on the outer'. It can be confidently said, that what transpired in the end, was that Joe BORG also 'shafted' his so-called best and only friend, Jimmy BAJADA

"Mario Ragusa's other half of the patent, held in trust by his father Giuseppe - remains to this day 'an absolute' disappearing act. Nothing has been paid, nothing has been recognised and a total obstruction of justice, remains."

L.Trentham - London Chapter UK

Absolute Criminal operators who have much to Answer...

"There is a multi-layer to the Ken THOMAS (led) and Joe Borg level of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Your conduct in repeated unethical business practices - namely, the fraudulent (forged) patent assignment, not worth the paper it was written on, and the sham which was the General Pneumatics Unit Trust set-up and structure. 

Money laundering is serious offence and, paying off historical loans not related to your new business, to deceive Australian Bankruptcy Trustees, the Commonwealth Bank and Mario Ragusa's rightful interests in the project, is just criminal. Thomas and Borg made matters so messy and complex it was almost hard to 'piece together'.

I can see why these convoluted and fabricated lies, acts of deception, corruption, and collusion actually led to the inspiration for writing a book on this compelling true business Melbourne scandal. The perpertraitors in this 'created mayhem' is a travesty of justice, no matter from what perspective one look at it. Personally, I don't think $18,000,000 for Mario and $5,457,000 is not adequate enough for their crimes, and the they must be dealt a severe blow by the courts. Thank God for all the teams and supporters you have now assembled - to finally serve justice to these criminals"
G.Peters - Edinburgh UK Chapter

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"It comes as absolutely no surprise that in the upcoming book Ken THOMAS Owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING is depicted as the despised, corrupt, jealous, selfish and greedy warden Samuels from the Shawshank Redemption movie. Complicit in this masterclass IP theft & deception debacle, Ken Thomas has proceeded to earn a small fortune from both manufacturing, and selling products he did not fully own, while at the same time also created highly suspicious debts and false invoices, at his bequest. Joe BORG has proved to be, just too fucking dumb and fearful to complain because Ken THOMAS would 'burn' him.

Joe BORG manager GENERAL PNEUMATICS and Ken THOMAS Owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING used monies generated from the theft of Ragusa's IP, and sales of products to cover highly suspicious and illegal third-party loans, for and on behalf of, the fabricated lies of Joe Borg,  who has proven time and time again, to be nothing short of a pathological liar, backstabbing, and nothing more than a 'two-faced lackie' for Ken THOMAS.  

"Awesome and accurate that Joe Borg is depicted in the proposed book as the double-crossing prison rapist aptly named 'Bogs' of the Shawshank Redemption movie. Bloody Gold! Joe BORG will definitely face prosecution for his own 'real life' deviate drama of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment and deviously filming unsuspecting innocent victims without their knowledge and then, showing the videotape recording, to everyone he came across." Bastards don't come any 'larger in life'." Certainly, depicts Joe Borg's highly questionable qualities in every manner of speaking." 
C.Taylor - Melbourne Chapter Aus

Ken Thomas...A Corrupt Bully at Best...

"It is a very well known fact, Ken THOMAS owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING - unconscionably harassed, coerced, deceived, bullied, lied to, and dishonored Mario RAGUSA - the true inventor of all Truckmaster Series 500 Filter technology, and electronic ejector systems, copyrights, trade marks, logos and product designs - in order to get control of valuable patents and all other IP, and Ragusa's very lucrative long term business that he had established, and Ken Thomas did so  by means of corruption, dishonesty and fraud." 
M.Newton - London Chapter UK

Ken Thomas and Joe Borg...Thieves Personified...

"Joe BORG Manager of GENERAL PNEUMATICS and Ken THOMAS owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING were both 'not in a million years' were able to achieve these creations of excellence and commercialisation themselves, and the only opportunistic, cruel, remorseless, and easy-way forward was to steal, dishonour and corruptly take from Mario Ragusa, what was essentially a grand theft and major fraud."

"Ken THOMAS and Eddie Thomas owners of REDLINE ENGINEERING - quite obviously had devious plans and corrupt ideas from the day they both met Mario Ragusa! The fact this was not recognised or 'picked up' by Ragusa, is testament to their deception capabilities. The Truckmaster Series 500 Project, they both coveted, which enviably included an established trading business that Mario had established with all major fleet companies in Australia, together with strategic sales and marketing plans, annual OEM contract orders with all major truck manufacturers in Australia and New Zealand and, all supporting copyright material."
D.Lee - Taiwan Chapter ROC

Ken Thomas...Justice will come at a Great Cost...

"Well,well,well... Ken THOMAS owner of REDLINE ENGINEERING - You thought all your Christmas's had come all at once. Ken THOMAS you seemingly and unlawfully scammed your way to finally achieve your long held ambitions - to control and manufacture products you could actually own, manufacture, promote and sell - but not without first inflicting misery on the rightful owners of IP and copyright. You hated to 'grinding' away, and sourcing work for manufacturing products for third-parties. 

"Ken THOMAS, everyone knows, including your family, associates and peers, you despised 'slugging' away in your antiquated core manufacturing business. It's common knowledge REDLINE ENGINEERING was on its knees and the writing was on the wall, before Mario RAGUSA arrived on the scene with his inventions." 

"Ken THOMAS you were insanely desperate, and almost inevitably 'staring' at shutting your doors, due to a total lack of scheduled work, or the prospect of manufacturing anything in the immediate future. People weren't coming to you anymore. As it turns out, progressive factories were 3D printing and you remained stagnant with 1960's style machinery and management style."

"Enter, Mario RAGUSA and his amazing technology and all associated copyright documentation, all commercialisation complete and ready to go to market. Ken THOMAS, don't think for a moment you can fool all the people, all the time. Everyone is not stupid or dumb as you think, and fully understands the rationale, the purpose and nature of your corruption, lies and deception - and the way you went about stealing Mario Ragusa's technology." 

"Without Joe BORG'S premeditated collusion, fabricated lies and, undivided loyalty to assist in committing your assault on Mario RAGUSA'S inventions and business, your elaborate scheme would never have happened and to put it frankly, you would have been 'fucked'." 
T.Johansson - Sweden Chapter Eu

Ken Thomas...Justice will come at a Great Cost...

"The timeline related in your deviously devised strategy was to inflict unrelenting hardship, a campaign of bullying, harassment and masterful deception toward Mario Ragusa which gives a new meaning to malicious greed, unconscionable behavior and deplorable business dishonesty. It's worthy of a telemovie and...we're very serious." 

"Ken, you and your dad Eddie the outright 'bastard' owner's of REDLINE ENGINEERINGtook great delight in inflicting a personal misery for Mario RAGUSA, the sole inventor, developer and innovator of 'everything' - and when noise, disturbances and shocking 3rd world working conditions, which cost about $25,000 a month, didn't drive him out,  you went about creating a culture of bullying, and began ramping up an unconscionable expense ledger at will, at your absolute discretion, and to increase a psychological 'pressure' to to function at 27 Hinkler Road Braeside  unbearable. Unbelievably, Mario RAGUSA stuck at it, and under the most adverse of conditions, and in a pressure cooker environment, by unconscionable means. We are aware the 'toilet block' conditions and bullying treatment dished out to Ragusa was a virtual impossible and deplorable environment to work, deviously orchestrated by yourself, and your father - as master swindlers, cheats and liars. Mario RAGUSA deserves a fucking gold medal! I'm going to help him get one!"
G. Petit - S.Africa Chapter

Fraud, Forgery Lies...and the Timeline

"Your perceived seizure and theft of Mario Ragusa's IP copyright and company shareholdings was complete, the moment the highly contentious Patents Assignments were signed, and incidentally forged by Joe Borg with Jimmy Bajada's signature, and without his consent or knowledge. This act of fraud took place at the front door of your 'toilet block' that is, the premises of 27 Hinkler Rd Braeside. These acts of deception and fraud facilitated the General Pneumatics Unit Trust 'rout' that proceeded at lightning pace, where 'at least' six (6) modifications were required to the said paperwork,due to continuous irregularities and errors intentionally created by you, by trying to 'pull the wool' over Mario RAGUSA'S 'eyes' resembling an absolute 'sham' and, a confusion worthy of a great corruption and deception effort."

The General Pneumatics Unit Trust came to realisation and fruition only after a REDLINE ENGINEERING'S #2 Eddie THOMAS, Bank Account cheque 'laundered' $25,000 of Jimmy Bajada 'black money' and 'turned it into' a $50,000 'clean' cheque. Critically, this was only managed to occur as a result of Joe Borg's forgery of Jimmy Bajada's signature. ONLY then, and after ALL supporting product copyright material was finalised by Mario RAGUSA, in order to fully support the project's total commercialisation process, was consummated.

It is fabled history now, that shortly afterwards, yourself, Joe Borg, and your father Eddie (the snake, the fox and the rat) advised Mario Ragusa, in no uncertain terms to 'fuck off', and only after the possession of all associated IP was all done and dusted and the fraud had been committed. A Classic Steve Jobs style sacking, and the work of premeditated 'cold blooded' bastards. As a result, the goose that laid the 'golden egg' was left to suffer.
D.Hampson - Ottawa Canada Chapter

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The law is the law...You dirty Rotten Thief...

"Naturally and very conveniently, your extent of corruption, deception and fraud resulted in substantially more General Pneumatics Unit Trust Shares for a greater distribution amongst the THOMAS family clan and the Joe BORG and co-conspirators, in order to gain total control of the entire operation. In addition Mario Ragusa's car was stolen from his garage as a result of this fraud and deception, notwithstanding there were already in place, understandings and agreements way before the THOMAS clan came along. The writ demands Mario RAGUSA'S equity in the said $60,000 Mazda MX-6 vehicle which absolutely must be repaid, even if represents 'small potatoes' in the grand scheme of things. Please I beg you, get these guys and make up for lost time now. Mario, you know, you have many supporters and lots of evidence behind you now."
H. Bissett - Darwin Chapter AUS

Ken Thomas - Ignorance is a Terrible Thing...

"Ken THOMAS Managing Director of REDLINE ENGINEERING and Joe BORG Managing Director of GENERAL PNEUMATICS, apart from wrongfully, immorally, dishonestly and unconscionably profiting from other people's dreams and ambitions for the last 25 years - also basked in the glory, self-adulation and self-glorification of credit for all Truckmaster technology developments and commercialisation." 

God have we got a ripper case here. That's why Ingenio Corp have come to the forefront. 'Kenneth Edward Thomas couldn't commercialise a bloody 'chook raffle' in a pub full of drunks. On the other hand, Joseph 'Joe' Anthony Borg's serious lack of intelligence, dishonour and absence of any formal education, is a direct reflection of his incapability to write a comprehendible entry in his diary, or sales book without Mario Ragusa's guidance and mentoring for 10 long years. And boy did Mario Ragusa receive telephone threats and complaints from competitor companies regarding Joe Borg's continuous defamation, misleading and fraudulent statements in the sales field against competitor's products. That is best left for the book to fully explain and tell. I hate these guys, what else can I say except go for the throat - on this one."
R. Williams - Qld Chapter AUS

Mario Ragusa - Ambushed to Serve Fraudsters and Corruption...

Sadly, (for) Mario Ragusa - the inventor who had worked in this R&D discipline for many years and spent hundreds of hours in developing an entire product genre, had to endure the victimisation of a dirty, dishonest, sly and cunning business and IP ambush campaign, which was facilitated by a long standing deliberate fraud and deception saga. 

Well, bad does not prevail over good and certainly WON'T on my watch. This is why the book is an important catalyst to OUR comprehensive campaign, and has to be distributed to the IP World and my contacts in New York as soon as published. Remember, you still do the time for crimes committed a lifetime ago. You are never old enough to face the music Ken. Hurry it up, so they suffer sooner than later."
G. Mancuso - Melbourne Chapter AUS

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Jealousy is a Curse...

"IngenioCorp is supremely confident Joe BORG Managing Director of GENERAL PNEUMATICS will lie under oath and produce his usual misleading garble and commit perjury. Interestingly, Joe BORG and his wife Leanne, enjoyed the luxury of living rent free, all expenses paid for many years' while working for Australian Pneumatic Technologies Pty Ltd and always received all the perks and expenses. 

Mario Ragusa had to live at his parents throughout the entire TruckMaster Filter project's development period. The new book goes into great detail at the lack of honesty, honour and common decency - which will be Joe Borg's legacy forever. 

Remarkably, as soon as Mario Ragusa got himself a place of his own, the raging jealousy was too much for Joe Borg live accept. He turned like 'blue heeler' and so did the entire Thomas family.  To be absolutely clear, both Ken THOMAS and Joe BORG are a total disgrace to society. Don't muck around with perjury Joe BORG we'll catch you out for sure, you son of a bitch."
H. Beckwith - NY Chapter USA

"Maybe if this goes as planned Jess, we can work on Ken Thomas - the Musical... What a real dirty scumbag! Add me to your IP viral campaign and send me more transcripts and statements too. I want the role we discussed for this case with Amanda K. I am extremely passionate about exposing these IP business swindlers, in the big wide world and I am extremely well versed on all elements of this subject. My partner got the FIFA case on the move, which is no small potato. Media everywhere will love to get their teeth into this scam. Nice work getting numbers from BB, and I'm thrilled to hear the recruiting of the billionaire James PACKER
A. Giramondo - Milan Italy Chapter

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